You Require Safe Contractor Performance… We Demand It!
Our commitment to safety is exemplified by our insurance Experience Modification Rating (EMR) and also by our OSHA 300 frequency statistics which are all far better than the standards for our industry.
Regular safety meetings and safety training programs for all levels of the organization allow us to communicate consistently the importance of working safely every day. All Marshall employees are required to wear hard hats, safety shoes, and safety glasses on all project sites.
Our strict policies and procedures regarding permit-required confined spaces, lock-out/tag-out, hot work, and opening process systems have completely prevented incidents during such activities.
Constant training, careful project planning, aggressive project safety management, along with creative programs for reward and reprimand have positioned our organization as a front runner in our industry. We are prepared to present our portfolio to any organization that requires contractors who can demonstrate safe work policy backed by safe performance.
The safety of our employees and of those working around us is our highest priority.
Safety is integrated into everything that we do.
We have current subscriptions with ISNetworld, Avetta and Browz contractor information portals.
Marshall Industrial Technologies maintains a stringent Covid-19 safety plan that works to mitigate the spread and transmission of the virus. The exact details of the plan are somewhat fluid and adjusted as new information and/or requirements come about, but you can be assured our plan incorporates all CDC, NIH, state and federal requirements at a minimum. As always, we will also adhere to all of our clients’ site-specific safety plans.